Desert Skies United Women in Faith
For Women of All Ages & Interests
Desert Skies United Women in Faith (UWF) holds general meetings about 6 times a year on Saturday morning, beginning with a brunch followed by a speaker or an activity for the group.
In addition, we have three small groups called Circles (see below) and one mission support group which meet monthly in homes, restaurants or at the church.
We also schedule several special activities and outings throughout the year. The activities for the next two months are:
Upcoming Events
All our meetings will be held via Zoom until further notice. Contact a Board member for details or check the weekly Skyline.
9 – Zippy 49ers meeting, 9:30 am Fellowship Hall
12 – UWF General Meeting, 9:30 am Fellowship Hall Houghton
21 – UWF Board Meeting, 4:30 pm
24 – United Nations Day
26 – Desert Southwest
Conference, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Tempe, AZ
31 – Halloween
1 – All Saint’s Day
11 – Veteran’s Day
16 – UWF General Meeting, 9:30 am Fellowship Hall Houghton
25 – UWF Board Meeting, 4:30pm
28 – Thanksgiving
The Zippy 49’ers Circle meets at 9:15 in Fellowship Hall on the 2nd Wednesday morning of each month, September through May. We begin with a light breakfast and fellowship followed by prayer and study focused on a topic of interest to the group. The Sister Jose Women’s Center is our current service project in addition to the Prayer Shawl Ministry which was started by members of our circle.
ALL WOMEN ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE. There is a spot waiting for YOU in our circle of friends.
Mary Martha (M&M) Circle meets from time to time for projects of all kinds with lots ofcomradery. Post-Covid, we are currently re-imagining itself.
In the past the circle has used our skills for collecting items needed by community services, for preparing and serving meals for organizations, and for creating special Caring Cross fused glass gifts. We sponsored with Tanque Verde School District a tutoring program for children of Amity and Dragonfly social services.
Our smiles are bountiful and our faith infectious. Oh, and M&Ms are always served!!
This circle is located at the Vail campus. Each Sunday we help setup for the church service in the Peak at Mica Mountain HS as well as run the Christ Café. Esther Circle assists at Western Sunday by staffing various information booths. In Spring 2023, Esther Circle will partner with Desert Skies’ Creation Care Committee and Vail Rotary Club to support the Mica Mountain High School Biology Department’s outdoor classroom by funding and setting up a greenhouse for science students. In addition, we will offer an Appreciation Luncheon for Vail School District Office employees, in partnership with the Vail Ministerial Association. We would love to have you join us.
Helping Hands Mission Support Group packs items for mission projects. It is a great time of fellowship and mission.
Helping Hands Primavera meets at 9:00 a.m. the second Tuesday of each month in the Kitchen to make and pack lunches for Primavera Works. The Primavera Foundation provides pathways out of poverty through safe, affordable housing, workforce development and neighborhood revitalization. Packing takes approximately one hour.
Helping Hands Hygiene Items Members of Zippy 49ers Circle contacts the one of the following groups 2x a year to find out what their need is regarding Hygiene items. Then they purchase the items and deliver it to the organization.