The Desert Skies Reopening Plan has been approved by the District Superintendent and the Conference Task Force on Reopening. Thank you to the DSUMC Reopening Task Force for their diligence and hard work in putting the document together. If you would like to see the detailed plan, contact Mike Starace or Ken Winkelmann, and they will get you a copy.

Part of our plan is a covenant with one another that we will all follow best safe practices in order to create a safe space for people to come as they are ready. It’s not an easy time, so we want to all be respectful of one another and do all things in love! 

After all, Loving One Another in Caring Community is part of our mission statement. The Covenant is below, and we ask that you sign it and bring it with you at our Drive-Thru Communion on November 1, our Pledge Drive Thru Experience on November 22, or whenever we meet in person and you attend for the first time.