Protecting – September 29, 2019

Scripture: Genesis 39:1-23

“The chief jailer paid no heed to anything that was in Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with you; and whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper.” (Genesis 39: 23)

It seems Joseph can’t get a break. He is left for dead by his brothers, taken into a foreign land to serve as a slave, then he is lied about by the master’s wife and jailed. But throughout he seems to bloom where he is planted, making a way outa no way. Perhaps on our journey we need to look for blessing not in the absence of struggle, but in the heart of it, where we are protected and prospered.

Blessing – September 22, 2019

Scripture: Genesis 12: 1-9

“Leave your land, your family and your father’s household… I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:1-2)

Leaving everything we have known before to set out for the unknown can feel unsettling, to say the least. But at 75 years old?! Abram trusted this new path–this new way–and the promise of God’s presence and blessing anywhere. We take the first significant step on our journey with God when we accept a blessing that we believe is too large for us to deserve and a responsibility that we feel is too large for us to fulfill.

Saving – September 15, 2019

Scripture: Genesis 6:16-22; 9:8-15

“I will remember my covenant.” (Genesis 9:16)

If doppler radar had been around then, the severe weather warning would have been intense. God tells Noah how to get ready for the deluge and he sets to work, making a way outa no way. We don’t really come to know God until we have some reason to trust God. God’s rainbow covenant allows us the baseline of trust we need to start a journey and process of self-discovery that will lead us into a life renewed that is large enough for us to inhabit with our full selves.

Beyond the Shadows – September 8, 2019

Andrew Colby Preaching

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:12-13.

The Work Has Just Begun – September 1, 2019

Scripture: Hebrews 13: 1-8; 15-16

So let’s continually offer up a sacrifice of praise through him, which is the fruit from our lips that confess his name. Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices. (Hebrews 13:15-16)

A wonderful quote from the movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”: Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it is not yet the end. Resurrection reminds us that nothing truly good can die, so we continue to do the work God calls us to do, to be the incarnation of Christ for the world today…for that is the way to life.

It Can’t Be Carried Alone – August 25, 2019

It Can’t Be Carried Alone – August 25, 2019

Scripture: Colossians 4: 2-17

Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Your speech should always be gracious and sprinkled with insight so that you may know how to respond to every person. (Colossians 4: 5-6)

When our Christian walk is shared with others, when we find a shared meaning for something, especially if it allows us to love God and others in the same action, God can get us through it. Paul surrounded himself with workers in the kingdom, and we need to do the same.

The Great Comma – August 18, 2019

Rev. Sandra McNary Preaching

Scripture: Colossians 3: 12-17

Be tolerant with each other and, if someone has a complaint against anyone, forgive each other. As the Lord forgave you, so also forgive each other. And over all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. (Colossians 3: 13-14)

In the Apostle’s Creed, there is a comma between “born of the Virgin Mary” and “suffered under Pontius Pilate”, a comma that delineates everything Jesus said and did between his birth and his death. This part of Colossians gives advice for daily, practical behavior for Christ-followers…what we do is far more important than what we merely believe!


Going Somewhere Good – August 11, 2019

Scripture: Colossians 3: 1-11

Therefore, if you were raised with Christ, look for the things that are above where Christ is sitting at God’s right side. Think about the things above and not things on earth. You died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory. (Colossians 3: 1-4)

If Christ is “in us”, what is the end goal for the cosmos in its entirety?  Where are we going with all this?The first public word of record out of Jesus’ mouth was the Greek imperative verb metabolite, which literally translates as “change your mind” or “go beyond your mind.” Changing our worldview is the point of the gospel, and going somewhere good teams having to go through and with the bad, and being unable to hold ourselves above it or apart from it. We never stop growing toward a more inclusive love when we are following Christ.

Revealed in Us—as Us – August 4, 2019

Scripture: Colossians 2: 6-19

So live in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way as you received him. Be rooted and built up in him, be established in faith, and overflow with thanksgiving just as you were taught. See to it that nobody enslaves you with philosophy and foolish deception, which conform to human traditions and the way the world thinks and acts rather than Christ. All the fullness of deity lives in Christ’s body. And you have been filled by him, who is the head of every ruler and authority. (Colossians 2: 6-10)

Paul knew that the Christ must first of all be acknowledged within before he can be recognized without as Lord and Master. God must reveal Godself in you before God can fully reveal Godself to you. We are participating members of the universal body of Christ and Christ is in us!

Another Name for Everything – July 28, 2019

Another Name for Everything – July 28, 2019

Scripture: Colossians 1: 15-28

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the one who is first over all creation. Because all things were created by him: both in the heavens and on the earth, the things that are visible and the things that are invisible. Whether they are thrones or powers, or rulers or authorities, all things were created through him and for him.  (Colossians 1: 15-16)

This understanding of the nature of Jesus Christ is Christianity’s unique contribution among the world’s religions: that everything visible, without exception, is the outpouring of God. Christ, Logos, the blueprint for being fully human is the Christ-mystery we are called to live into as human beings. When Christ is everything, how I walk through the world changes.