Creation as Blessing – October 21, 2018

Creation as Blessing

In the beginning God created… and saw that it was good. (Genesis 1: 29…24)

The Universe, and all life within it, is fundamentally a blessing, fundamentally good, and created to flourish–including us. This doesn’t prevent hardship and difficulties, but it does strengthen us as we go through tough times. It allows us to deepen in faith and spirituality without fear. Life in all its joys and struggles is a blessing–which means, it is something worth sharing. How might moving through our days with an eye for recognizing goodness and blessing transform our experience of life?

What if…we do something extraordinary? – October 14, 2018

What if…we do something extraordinary?

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous in every way. Such generosity produces thanksgiving to God through us. Your ministry of this service to God’s people isn’t only fully meeting their needs but it is also multiplying in many expressions of thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 9: 11-12)

Synopsis: Our generosity is multiplied when we look at enlarging our capacity and stretching our commitment, expanding our influence as we give constant thanksgiving to God. We give not just to meet needs, but to do something extraordinary. We challenge the congregation to extravagant generosity and to bring their pledge cards next Sunday.

What if…we have everything we need because we seek God first? – October 7, 2018

What if…we have everything we need because we seek God first?

Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn’t give with hesitation or because of pressure. God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9: 7-9)

Understanding the principles of Proactive Generosity and Tithing guides us in the way we give.  Looking at what it’s not (a tax, the leftovers, a bribe, a fundraiser for the Church, an option) and looking at what it is (the first tenth, God’s plan of provision for God’s people, given freely, regular, Worship, a test, a way that God blesses us) we become more aware of God’s role in our giving.

What if…we prepare ourselves for extravagant giving? – September 30, 2018

What if…we prepare ourselves for extravagant giving?

But I’m sending the brothers so that our bragging about you in this case won’t be empty words, and so that you can be prepared, just as I keep telling them you will be. (2 Corinthians 9: 3)

What if the “what if” question wasn’t as much about fear of not having enough, but about possibility for truly extravagant giving? Possibility is always just a turn away from developing a process that can truly make things happen.  When we humble ourselves and pray, we begin preparing for the extravagant way God will be at work among us.

The Rest of the Story – September 23, 2018

The Rest of the Story – September 23, 2018

But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. Jumping up, he stood and began to walk, and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. (Acts 3:6-8)

Luke reported, in vivid stories like these, that the Holy Spirit worked through Peter and John to offer Jesus’ healing to anyone who needed it. Peter made the healing of the crippled man another occasion to preach Jesus’ power. His subsequent encounters with Cornelius, Paul, Tabitha and more showed that he remained faithful, yet flawed, as he simply proclaimed and followed the Savior he served. He wasn’t perfect, but he never stopped trying!

From Cowardice to Courage – September 16, 2018

That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on some clothes, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea. (John 21:7)

The fish and bread were ready, yet Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught.” Why doesn’t Jesus just do everything for us, changing us into the people he wants us to be, but instead asks us to join our effort with his spiritual power? In what ways does his call for you to work with him to grow spiritually offer the best path to character development, so that you are still “you,” but a new you?

“I Will Not Deny You”

“I Will Not Deny You”

Peter said to him, “Even if everyone else stumbles, I won’t.” But Jesus said to him, “I assure you that on this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” But Peter insisted, “If I must die alongside you, I won’t deny you.” And they all said the same thing. (Mark 14:29-31)

With a time of emotional crisis just ahead, one might expect Jesus to give his disciples a “pep talk,” boosting their spirits and telling them how much confidence he had in their ability to handle what lay ahead. Might they have handled things any better if he had given them a pep talk rather than this somber warning? Spiritually, which is more important—to believe you’ve got the strength to handle anything, or to be aware that you need to rely on God’s power, which is greater than yours?

Bedrock or Stumbling Block? – September 2, 2018

Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, then sternly corrected Peter: “Get behind me, Satan. You are not thinking God’s thoughts but human thoughts.” (Mark 8:33)

The very gifts and traits that make Peter a great disciple also made him vulnerable and weak. Why was Jesus worried that Peter could be a stumbling block to him?  What ways might we become stumbling blocks to Jesus’ ministry?

Walking with Jesus in the Storm – August 26, 2018

Just then Jesus spoke to them, “Be encouraged! It’s me. Don’t be afraid.” Peter replied, “Lord, if it’s you, order me to come to you on the water.” And Jesus said, “Come.”Then Peter got out of the boat and was walking on the water toward Jesus. But when Peter saw the strong wind, he became frightened. As he began to sink, he shouted, “Lord, rescue me!” Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him, saying, “You man of weak faith! Why did you begin to have doubts?” (Matthew 14:27-31)

Peter spoke up. He showed that mix of faith and doubt most of us wrestle with at times: “Lord, if it’s you, order me to come to you on the water.” Next thing

he knew, he was striding across the water! It worked until he lost his focus on Jesus. The strong wind distracted him and his fear took over. “As he began to sink, he shouted, ‘Lord, rescue me!’” And Jesus did. Jesus continues to rescue us when we begin to sink.

The Call of Simon the Fisherman – August 19, 2018

The Call of Simon the Fisherman

When he finished speaking to the crowds, he said to Simon, “Row out farther, into the deep water, and drop your nets for a catch.” Simon replied, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and caught nothing. But because you say so, I’ll drop the nets.” (Luke 5:4-5)

As we explore the call of Simon, we realize that Jesus calls us right where we are, and draws us in my understanding our gifts, our temperament and our view of the world. He then encourages us on our journey, calling us to deeper and deeper discipleship as we learn to rely on his call on our lives.