I Believe in New Beginnings

Then the one seated on the throne said, “Look! I’m making all things new.” He also said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5

Because we believe in the incarnation of the Christ, we believe in new beginnings, in a better world. As we look over the past year and into our future, we do so with purpose and with passion, our belief guiding our vision, utilizing a basic Watch Night Service format.

I Believe Even When . . .: I Believe Christmas Eve 7 pm

“Unto you a child is born and he will be called Prince of Peace.”

The night of mystery and awe has arrived. And Jesus is born into a world fully human and finite in its pain and beauty. And God breaks in upon our lives yet again in and through our belief of that which transcends our human limitations. We believe. We believe.

I Believe Even When . . .: I Believe Christmas Eve 4 pm

“Unto you a child is born and he will be called Prince of Peace.”

The night of mystery and awe has arrived. And Jesus is born into a world fully human and finite in its pain and beauty. And God breaks in upon our lives yet again in and through our belief of that which transcends our human limitations. We believe. We believe.

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I Believe Even When . . .: I Believe in the Light

“What came into being through the Word was life, and the life was the light for all people…”

In this last week of Advent, our anticipation, our yearning, for the light is palpable. What is this growing within us? As our theme song has proclaimed, even when the sun is hidden from sight, even when love feels remote, even when we’re not sure of God’s presence… we sense that the light is coming, love is near and the holy is born yet again in the midst of the pain of life. There is hope. There is light.

I Believe Even When . . .: God is Silent

“Look, I am sending my messenger before you… he will prepare your way…”
A seeming madman named John is prophesying in the wilderness. He speaks of one who will come after him, puzzling the people. “Who are you,” ask the people. “Are you the one who will deliver us from our fear and hardship and oppression?” Often we are left wondering these same questions. At times in our lives when we feel unsure of our next steps, when fear grips us in the face of uncertainty, when we look around and wonder when God will address injustice… when God will show up and save us… we yearn for the messenger, for the way to be made plain before us.

I Believe, Even When….: I Believe in God

“Look, I am sending my messenger before you… he will prepare your way…

A seeming madman named John is prophesying in the wilderness. He speaks of one who will come after him, puzzling the people. “Who are you,” ask the people. “Are you the one who will deliver us from our fear and hardship and oppression?” Often we are left wondering these same questions. At times in our lives when we feel unsure of our next steps, when fear grips us in the face of uncertainty, when we look around and wonder when God will address injustice… when God will show up and save us… we yearn for the messenger, for the way to be made plain before us.


I Believe, Even When…. : I Believe in the Sun

Leadership: When the Great Ones Pass On: The Challenge to be Faithful


Leadership: When the Great Ones Pass On: Carrying on the Legacy