Isaac is the Father of Israel – October 3, 2021

Isaac is the Father of Israel – October 3, 2021

Scripture:  Genesis 24: 1-9 Abraham said to him, “Be sure you don’t take my son back there. The Lord, God of heaven—who took me from my father’s household and from my family’s land, who spoke with me and who gave me his word, saying, ‘I will give this land to your descendants’—he will send his messenger in front of you, and you will find a wife for my son there. (24: 6-7)

With the death of Abraham, the promises of God are transferred to Isaac. Like his father before him, Isaac wanders into the foreign land (because of a famine) of Gerar, which is in the land of the Philistines. God delivers him and his wife safe and sound. The promise of land and offspring did not come to an end with Abraham’s death. The tenacity of God’s promise-keeping character will come to a head in the book of Exodus. God delivers the Israelites from Egyptian bondage for one reason: to keep his promise to Abraham.