Brooke is leading the class, meeting in Vail on Thursday mornings at 9:30 at the stand-alone Starbucks on Mary Ann Cleveland and Colossal Cave.

Tickets for the festivities following the 9:00 am service at Houghton are $10 each, with a max of $20 / family. Brunch will be served beginning at 10:30 am: scrambled eggs, pulled pork, beans, tater tots, salsa and tortillas, along with fruit and sweet breads. Ryan will lead us in a country sing-along and perform rope tricks! There will be a fun space for photos, as well as kid-friendly activities.

Plan to buy your tickets on Sundays beginning February 2nd. Invite your neighbors and friends! 

We need people to assist with serving food, cleaning up, and ticket sales.

Please let the church office (520-749-0521) know if you are planning to bring fruit salad to the kitchen before 10:30 am on the day of the event. 

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31 

Early each morning hundreds of men and women gather at Casa Maria for a hot cup of coffee. While they are enjoying their coffee, soup is bubbling in two huge kettles in the kitchen and workers are packing lunches that will be given out along with steaming cups of the nourishing soup. This activity continues year in and year out because there is al-ways a need. 

The Desert Skies Missions/Social Concerns Committee is asking you to contribute to our annual Valentine’s Collec-tion for Casa Maria by donating items from the following list:


Your donations will help our homeless and low income neighbors who come to Casa Maria for the comfort that comes from a hot cup of coffee and life sustaining food. Casa Maria also provides clothing (much of it donated by the Desert Skies Flea Market), showers, and medical assis-tance from visiting health care workers. 

Please bring your gifts of any of the listed items above to services at Houghton or Vail on Sunday, February 9th, or Sunday, February 16th.

Items may be placed on the ta-bles on the east side of the Houghton sanctuary or in marked boxes at the Vail campus. Donations can also be dropped off at the church office Monday-Thursday: 9 am-3 pm until February 13th.

Thank you for the many years you have supported this collection, and thank you for loving your neighbors once again this year! 

Shared Youth Ministry Update for Sunday, January 26th 1st Confirmation Class (2-4 pm) and Youth Event (4-5:30 pm) 

Our confirmation classes aim to help youth explore the Christian faith, understand their Methodist roots, and grow in their commitment to follow Christ. In the first class, students (five) learned about the Bible and its connection to Jewish tradi-tions, and each received their own personalized Bible to encourage study and use both in class and at home. At our Youth Event, our youth gathered at St. Paul’s for an uplifting evening of creating letters, bracelets, and crafts inspired by Galatians 6:2, encouraging each other to carry one another’s burdens with compassion and faith. We also played games and spent time together, building friendships and having fun. 

Weekly, we will update you on these events. Feel free to ask questions about your teenager’s participation. Note for Par-ents/Grandparents: If you’d like to receive text notifications and reminders about youth events in addition to emails, please register or join our class on Remind. Just click the link to join instantly: Luis Ortiz, Shared Youth Ministry Director 

Vacation Bible School is coming to St. Paul’s United Methodist Church!

This year’s VBS theme is “True North” an ultimate Alaskan adventure!

Date: March 10-14, 9 am – 12 noon

Register Today

God’s Beauty Oil Painting Classes at BOTH Campuses!

Facilitator: Lorna Niven

***Please Note: Supplies are included!*** 

Houghton Campus-All are welcomed to join us on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 pm—3:30 pm in room # 5 & 6. Please sign up by calling the church office (520-749-0521). 

Vail Campus-All are welcomed to discover your talents and enjoy fellowship together! The next oil painting class is THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th from 1:00 pm –3:00 pm at the Esmond Station Library in Vail, located at 10931 E Mary Ann Cleveland Way. Please sign up by calling the church office (520-749-0521).


We meet on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 am ~ 10:30 am at our Houghton Campus in the Nursery & Classroom # 3. Childcare and snacks provided. ***NOTE: This week, January 29th we will meet from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm*** 

We are looking for volunteers for child care Wednesday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:30 am, to care for the children during the Mom-Co meeting. We are asking for one Wednesday a month that will be on a rotating schedule. If you are interested, please contact Lorna Niven at 520-360-1084, Pastor Brooke or church office 520-749-0521. Thank you!