When Baby Jesus Goes Missing – Christmas Eve 9:30 December 24, 2021

When Baby Jesus Goes Missing – Christmas Eve 9:30 December 24, 2021

Scripture: Luke 2: 1-20  

Many people wait until Christmas Eve to put the baby Jesus in  their  Nativity  Scenes. A  Chinese woodcarver said that many people simply lose baby Jesus. He’s so easy to lose, after all, when you wait  to add him to the rest of the scene.  There’s nothing malicious about it. People don’t intend to lose Jesus, he said. In fact, they probably made a commitment to keep Jesus, and put Jesus front and center where he belongs.  But he got lost. Somehow, we weren’t paying attention. Perhaps he was set aside to make room for other elements of the scene, and the intention was to return him to his rightful place in our lives