The Greatest Showman: I Am Who I’m Meant to Be – June 20, 2021

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

The “bearded lady,” sings: “I am brave. I am bruised. I am who I’m meant to be. This is me. Look out ’cause here I come, And I’m marching on to the beat I drum. I’m not scared to be seen, I make no apologies, this is me.” Jesus’ “circus” of followers, including the women Luke named, upset “proper” men in his day. The apostle Paul, who had hunted Christians, said, “I don’t deserve to be called an apostle.” But he didn’t hide in shame—he said, “I am what I am by God’s grace, and God’s grace hasn’t been for nothing.” To the Corinthtians, Paul said: “In return–I speak as to children–open wide your hearts also.”

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood – June 13, 2021

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:32-49

The simple faith of a young shepherd boy who had faith that he was enough in God’s hands is replicated in the life and teachings of Mister Rogers.


 Game ON!: Jumanji – June 6, 2021

Scripture: Joshua 1.9-18; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, NRSV

In Jumanji, Dr. Bravestone (school nerd Spencer’s game character) said, “This is a video game, which means we all have special skills. We can help each other.” Too often, we have a “one size fits all” idea of what it means to serve. In fact, there are as many unique forms of service as there are people. The apostle Peter’s letter called Christians to “use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” The call is to be yourself, as long as “being yourself” includes being a servant to God and others.

Wonder: What Do You See? – May 30, 2021

Scripture: Mark 3:1-6, (NRSV); Galatians 5: 22-23

Mr. Tushman, the wise school principal in the film Wonder, urged staff and students to be “Kinder than is necessary. Because it’s not enough to be kind. One should be kinder than needed.” When the apostle Paul listed some of the key qualities God offers to grow in us, he put kindness squarely at the center of the list. Jesus looked at the hard-hearted people around him, and healed the man with the withered hand. All Christ-followers, not just the naturally kind ones, can receive the fruit of kindness when the Holy Spirit infuses and directs all parts of our life.

Amazing Grace: Now I See – May 23, 2021

Scripture: John 3: 1-17

John reminds us that the spirit moves as it will…we now know that it’s truly the amazing grace of God that allows us to be reborn, to start anew, to build a life of grace empowered by the Holy Spirit. This Pentecost, we celebrate once more the power of the grace of God.

Learning to Sing God’s Praise Again – May 16, 2021

Scripture: Ezra 1: 1-7;  5: 19-22

The end of the Babylonian Captivity was a restart button for the people of Israel, who by decree of Cyrus, King of Persia, were allowed to return home to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. They needed to learn to sing God’s praise again in their home land.   Their celebration of the first passover after the exile was a time of joy and celebration and aided them in their work of rebuilding.  We, too, can learn to sing God’s praise again because of the thousands of years of history that undergirds who we are as people of God and followers of Jesus. We can rebuilt this church at this time!

Moving to a Life of Joy and Peace – May 9 2021

Scripture: Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22

 When Esther finally reveals to the king the plot of the wicket Haaman, her people are able to take the steps necessary to preserve their nation. As we move through Lent, we also take the steps necessary to uncover those things in our lives that seek to destroy us, recognizing that through God’s grace, we can take risks that will make the world better…just like so many women have done in the past, present and will do in the future.

God’s Word My Hope Secures – May 2, 2021

Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

The reading of the Torah brought tears as the people recognized the ways they had not lived up to their covenant with God. But Nehemiah sends them home to reflect, and to trust in God’s grace, and to celebrate the hope secured by the reading of God’s word. How we understand God’s word continues to evolve even today, and opening our hearts to hearing it  in new ways brings us hope as well.

Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares – April 25, 2021

Scripture: Nehemiah 6: 1-9

On January 20th 2021, we all listened mesmerized and energized by the words of youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman as she read her inaugural poem ‘The Hill We Climb’. The first line of her poem reads “When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?” Shrouded in grief and tragedy, the shade of a global pandemic, disproportionately impacting communities of color and exacerbated by the pre-existing condition that is environmental racism, still looms over us in this moment. Our communities both local and global are suffering, with millions rendered unemployed, homeless, food insecure and vulnerable health wise. Where indeed can we find light in this never-ending shade? As Nehemiah and the returning exiles rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem, the experienced many dangers, toils and snares from those around them, a never-ending shade of torment from which they needed to creatively respond. “But now, O Lord, strengthen my hands”, Nehemiah’s prayer, can be for all of us as we rebuild our world today.

‘Twas Grace My Fears Relieved – April 18, 2021

Scripture: Nehemiah 1: 4-11

Coming out of captivity is always a challenge, and can give rise to many fears and anxieties as we begin to believe in ourselves and our mission. So it must  always begin with introspection and prayer when one is God-led. Nehemiah’s prayer for deliverance and his willingness to ask the king for permission to go rebuild the wall is a good prototype for us as we examine our own call to rebuild. Fears and questions abound as we rethink church, but grace will bring us  safely through, as it did for Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, the writings from the time of the Diaspora.