The One is Shining Forth – August 8, 2021

Scripture: Psalm 50  “God speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. (50: 1)

The Psalm that comes at the end of our series speaks of an active God whose light shines for all time and in all places. God is not silent, but calls the people to remember that they, too, can act on God’s behalf, holding all suffering peoples in hands of prayer and care and transforming the world that will shine bright into the future. May it be so.

Whole Heart Hallelujah – August 1, 2021

Scripture: Psalm 111  “The works of God’s hands are faithful and just.” (111:7)

One mode of poetry in the Psalms is all-out praise and thanksgiving, such as the one for today. We also find praise even in Psalms of lament and complaint because “God is good all the time and all the time God is good!” Life is not always good, but when we engage in gratitude, we remember the evidence of God at work in our lives and we remember that indeed, God is holding our lives, even now.

In God Alone – July 25, 2021

Scripture: Psalm  62  “God alone is my rock and salvation… I shall not be shaken.” (62:2)

“My one and only!” So many songs have utilized this phrase to express devoted love. This week we see that this tradition goes back all the way to the poets of the psalm tradition. This is a love psalm of trust in the Holy One and Only who is the rock and refuge in the midst of life that sometimes feels as fleeting as breath. We put our trust in the One who, indeed, is holding our lives.

Where Can I Go? – July 18, 2021

Where Can I Go? – July 18, 2021

Scripture: Psalm 139  “You have searched me and know me.” (139:1)

This week’s Psalm text brings home this message: we are in an intimate relationship with God. There is nowhere we go that God is not present–no state of our being that results in our being abandoned. God has knit us together, has woven us, knowing us from before our beginning. God, indeed, is holding our lives.

Awe and Wonder – July 11, 2021

Scripture: Psalm 29  “My God gives strength to the people and blesses the people with peace.” (29: 11)

Strength and peace is the prayer of the Psalm this week. The Psalmist says “let me count the ways” that we can know the strength of the Holy One. With awe and wonder we behold the presence of God in all the elements of creation–water, fire, air, earth. And it is this glory that assures us that God, indeed, is holding our lives.

These Lives are Precious – July 4, 2021

Scripture:  Psalm 72  “God delivers the needy when they call.” (72:12)

As we celebrate  Independence Day on this Sunday in 2021, we recognize, of course,  that we do not live in a land ruled by Kings, as the hearers of our first Psalm of this series did. Nevertheless, the petitions of the psalmist for justice, deliverance, defense of the poor and oppressed, and peace for all peoples is an undergirding theme of our faith. We are reminded that a just society is one that proclaims “these lives are precious” and worthy of protection. God, indeed, is holding our lives… and wants “liberty and justice for all.”

Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough – June 27, 2021

Scripture: Lamentations 3:22-33

The final week in our summer series At the Movies concludes with Disney’s live-action box-office hit, Aladdin. Aladdin helps us understand what the Bible says on where and how we should find our significance.

The Greatest Showman: I Am Who I’m Meant to Be – June 20, 2021

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

The “bearded lady,” sings: “I am brave. I am bruised. I am who I’m meant to be. This is me. Look out ’cause here I come, And I’m marching on to the beat I drum. I’m not scared to be seen, I make no apologies, this is me.” Jesus’ “circus” of followers, including the women Luke named, upset “proper” men in his day. The apostle Paul, who had hunted Christians, said, “I don’t deserve to be called an apostle.” But he didn’t hide in shame—he said, “I am what I am by God’s grace, and God’s grace hasn’t been for nothing.” To the Corinthtians, Paul said: “In return–I speak as to children–open wide your hearts also.”

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood – June 13, 2021

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:32-49

The simple faith of a young shepherd boy who had faith that he was enough in God’s hands is replicated in the life and teachings of Mister Rogers.


 Game ON!: Jumanji – June 6, 2021

Scripture: Joshua 1.9-18; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, NRSV

In Jumanji, Dr. Bravestone (school nerd Spencer’s game character) said, “This is a video game, which means we all have special skills. We can help each other.” Too often, we have a “one size fits all” idea of what it means to serve. In fact, there are as many unique forms of service as there are people. The apostle Peter’s letter called Christians to “use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” The call is to be yourself, as long as “being yourself” includes being a servant to God and others.