Like Living Stones – May 7, 2023

Scripture:  1 Peter 2:2-10

But we are living stones, so what does that mean? How do we carry this foundational presence out into the world? How do we commit to building a church that transforms not just those inside, but those outside as well? How will our body-building strengthen our whole neighborhood and not just ourselves? This is the challenge of the living stones: discipleship for the transformation of the world.

By His Wounds –  April 30, 2023

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:19-25

What makes it a revival? All kinds of things could be considered, but it comes down to two things: first is an invitation to discipleship, and second is the hospitality of a loving community of faith.

Setting our Faith and Hope – April 23, 2023

Scripture:  1 Peter 1:17-23

The season “of Easter” is not a time for worm thinking! It is a time for claiming the gift of abundant life. It is a time or picking ourselves and one another up when we have fallen to get our feet back on the path toward the kin-dom of God (or back on the dance floor where we can express our joy in whose we have become).

Indescribable and Glorious Joy! – April 16, 2023

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-9

Eastertide is a continuation, but also an application. The proclamation still rings in our ears, Christ is Alive! This leads to the inevitable response, “Now what?” What does Christ’s resurrection mean for us? How are we made alive again? How do we live into eternity, even as we continue in the world as we know it? How do we live as Easter people in a Good Friday world?

The End That Wasn’t! – Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10

The grand and glorious reversal of all we thought we knew about life and about death, Easter is God’s yes to love and to life eternal through the Son, Jesus the Christ. This is a day of color and light and joy as we celebrate resurrection with all that is within us.

Who Could Stand? – March 26, 2023

Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130

We start with the Psalm, which begins with a hard question but then ends with hope. It begins with an admission of guilt, or need, or emptiness and then moves toward grace and reconciliation. Without that grace, who could stand? Without that hope, who could stand? We would be dry bones; we would be three days rotting in a tomb.

But that is not our story; that is not our song. Instead, the bones can live, by the breath of God. Instead, death is not an end, by the word of Christ. No, we don’t go to an easy celebration, but to a deep appreciation for what Christ has done – is about to do – for us on the cross. We are humbled by this realization, and repentant that it is our rejection that has caused this pain.

In the Presence – March 19, 2023

Scripture: John 9: 1-41

Do you know what it is like to be chosen? Well, you do because you were. Our texts this week are about being chosen by God. Most of us don’t think that we were chosen, certainly not to be king like David. But surely, we chose the jobs that we do and the hobbies that we pursue and the service that we perform, didn’t we? Well, yes. But God chose too. And not just in the past tense, God is still choosing.

Give Me Water – March 12, 2023

Scripture: John 4: 5-42

We’re thirsty this week. That’s the point. Thirsting for the living waters that Jesus spoke about to the woman at the well. And not simply a one time or easy but unsatisfying spiritual refreshment, but a recognition of the deepest thirsts that we have and how we seem to always be thirsty, no matter how often we the woman, once we have received this water of life, Like the woman at the well, we want others to have their thirsts quenched as well. The water of life fills us and sends us out into the world to be thirst quenchers. Let’s once again drink deeply of the water of life and pray for eyes opened to see the thirsty ones around us every day. So that we, like the woman at the well, can run and tell what we have found.

Go From Your Country – March 5, 2023

Scripture:  Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121; John 3:1-17

Whether we are talking about the call to go to a new place, like Abram in Genesis 12, or to move to a new understanding, like Nicodemus in John 3, movement is required. Movement means change, which is always difficult and scary. So this is a week about faith and about trust and the willingness to commit to the discipleship path.