Hidden and Mixed In — 30 July 2023

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost  Proper 12 (17)      30 July 2023

Sermon: Hidden and Mixed In

Scriptures: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 (the kingdom of heaven is like…) and Genesis 29:15-28 (Jacob marries Leah instead of Rachel)

Theme: God’s work in the world is often hidden and mixed in

Synopsis: It can be difficult to see and discern God’s work in the world. But once we glimpse that pearl or treasure, it is worth putting all we are into it. Even in the midst of disappointment, underhanded dealings, or even injustice, like in the story of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel, God can still work. (This is NOT to say that we accept injustice because God can work in spite of it.) Let’s be people who look for God’s work in the world, celebrate it and invest in it, and become that regular field where a pearl is hidden beneath the surface.