Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus – 7 August 2022
Sermon: “Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus”
7 August 2022
9th Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture: John 4: 7-40
Synopsis: Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well invites us to seek out and open ourselves to new encounters, new people who are not like ourselves, new relationships with people not of our tribe. Jesus often crossed paths with others not from his “tribe.” He did not shy away, but most often sought out these opportunities. He met and saw people in their daily lives and locales, and engaged with them at the point of their deepest yearning. When we seek out and open to new encounters, new people, new relationships, we allow ourselves a spiritual rendezvous with humanity. And in this act, we discover more spiritual depth within us than we previously imagined. How can we shift our perception, redefining “strangers” as “friends we have not yet met?” This is an invitation to be curious and welcoming to our interfaith brothers and sisters. It changed her life!