Presence in the Midst of Loneliness – December 24, 2022

Scripture: Isaiah 9: 2-7; Luke 2: 1-20

What an “odd” church! What an “awed” church! A child is born with an odd (read “dubious”) heritage in an odd place (an animal shelter) under odd circumstances. But this is a “Prince of Peace,” a “Wonderful Counselor,” a “Mighty God.” Angels sing, people come from miles around, and a star shines brightly on the place where he lay swaddled. Odd enough. But then this Presence of God, Emmanuel, goes on to live an odd life of presence with the poor, the unlikely, the untouchable, the lowly, and in the end, gives himself for the sake of the least of these. There is no loneliness so deep that the Christ, Holy One, Presence of God does not know or cannot penetrate.

Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness – December 18, 2022

Scripture: Isaiah 7:10-15; Matthew 1: 18-25

Nothing about this pregnancy was “usual.” Add to that signs and wonders and angel visits and the birth of Jesus can be called “odd” at best. But the message is clear — things can be born when you least expect it. So it is with hope. Be on the lookout for the ways that hope refuses to die. If you can’t find light in the usual places, look for it elsewhere. Do not fear. Move forward even if you can’t see the light yet. The light comes into the world and will not be overcome. God is with us.

Joy in the Midst of Despair – December 11, 2022

Scripture: Isaiah 35: 1-10; Luke 1: 46b-55

We wonder what one person, or one church, can do and we despair at the injustices of the world. When helplessness makes us feel weak in the hands or feeble in the knees, we are reminded of the power of the “lowly servants” as Mary’s prophetic voice rings out in the “Magnificat” (the song of one awe-struck young woman!). Things in the reign of God are topsy-turvy. As the Body of Christ, we must be “born again” this Advent into the awe of God that leads to the joy of liberating service.

Love in the Midst of Hate – December 4, 2020

Scripture: Isaiah 11: 1-10; Romans 15: 4-13

The Hebrew word translated in the First Testament as “fear” is probably closer to our word “Awesome!” Those who are open to the awe of God will be delighted at the love they witness blooming where once was (literal) fear and hatred. Isaiah’s prophecy of unlikely combinations (wolves and lambs, calves and lions, cows and bears) can inspire us to stories of where we have seen seemingly “odd” partnerships that create more love and understanding in the world.

Peace in the Midst of Conflict – November 27, 2022

Scripture: Isaiah 2: 1-5; Romans 13: 11-14

To keep awake is to open our eyes in awe at the works of the Holy in our midst and to the promises of God to continually make all things new. We introduce the theme of “Awed & Odd” for this season of anticipation and expectation. This first Sunday of Advent we focus on the practices of peace to which we are called, making us “odd” in the eye of a world that lets fear drive our actions toward one another.

The Image of the Invisible God – November 20, 2022

Scripture: Colossians 1: 11-20

Our ability to bless others with the light of Christ, to be gathered together in community, to be able to witness to our community, to enjoy contemporary culture through film and the arts, to travel toward God, to be wise stewards of God’s abundance…this year we have learned what it takes to follow Christ Jesus and to make him known to the world. On this Christ the King Sunday, we celebrate the very foundation of our faith.

The Labor Is Not in Vain – November 13, 2022

Scripture: Isaiah 65: 17-25

Have you ever had a “renovation” project that felt like it would never end? This week’s text shows that even God wonders what to do when the foundation and structure is compromised. Will Israel love “God’s house” as much as God does, or will Israel continue to enjoy living in the shelter of God’s house without maintaining it properly? We know what happened with Israel. How about us?

The Pillar of Trust – November 6, 2022

Scripture: Haggai 1: 15b-2:9

God’s people are confronted by the need to rebuild the temple…a new place that will become the dwelling of God for a new time and a new place. But without the pillar of trust in our blueprints, the house won’t hold together.

The Pillar of Patience–Perseverance – October 30, 2022

Scripture: Habakkuk 1: 1-4; 2: 1-4

How often do we lose hope in God simply because we have lost patience with God and/or God’s people? In order for a joyful birth to take place, there must be conception, waiting, and intense labor. In order for the house of God to be built, there must be patience so we build in the right way.

The Ground Floor: Laying the Foundation–Vision – October 23, 2022

Scripture: Joel 2: 23-32

We start from the ground up! Joel reminds the Israelites, and us, about the faithfulness of God’s presence with them always and the power of vision to lay a strong and enduring foundation.  This is the foundation for God’s house that not only provides a home for God, but for God’s community that blesses the world.